Understanding highlights

What are highlights?

Sauce AI splits each piece of original-feedback (E.g. one CSV row, or one survey response) into highlights. Highlights can be either feature requests, issues, or enquiries. This helps separate the important, meaningful data, from the noise.

There are four main highlight types that we identify in customer feedback:

  1. Feature requests: When a customer requests a feature or function

  2. Issues: When a customer mentions an issue or problem

  3. Enquires: When a customer is asking a question

  4. Praise: When a customer reports what is working well for them

Highlights are the most granular level of data in Sauce. Anytime you see a count in Sauce, it's referring to the number of highlights contained within that view, cluster, or trend. From the Feedback page, you can switch the view from highlights to original feedback.

When searching, you can filter by highlight type, which enables users to create separate views for features requests, issues, or enquiries.

Note: Throughout this documentation, you may notice that the term "highlights" and "feedback" are used interchangeably. That's because feedback in Sauce AI can encompass more than just what's highlighted as useful. Feedback could include both the highlight, tags, any clusters it relates to and a customer name. But we'll always surface highlights above its original feedback.

Last updated