What do all the counts mean?

When importing feedback

Sauce highlights feature requests, issues, and enquires from each row of original-feedback. This means one row of original-feedback from a CSV could produce one or more highlights. If the original feedback only contains noise, no highlights will be produced. For example, If I upload a CSV with 200 rows of survey responses, I may see 309 highlights in Sauce.

When reading the user interface

Sauce is constantly grouping highlights into trends or updating any of your saved views or clusters with new and relevant highlights. In the example below, we see 26 highlights for "Enhanced and Customisable Template Options". 3 highlights came from "Photojam" and 9 have been tagged "Not doing". In the last 30 days, this trend has grown an additional 15 highlights.

When understanding my trial analysis limit?

If you’re on a 7 day trial, the feedback analysis limit is based on the number of original-feedback you add to Sauce AI, not the number of highlights produced. For example, if your limit is 500, and you upload a CSV with 220 rows, you will have 280 original-feedback remaining to analyse. Even if Sauce AI produced 368 highlights from the 220 rows. If you go over the 500 limit within the 7 days, you will see a notification showing that analysis has stopped.

If your trial has past 7 days or reached its analysis limit and you need more time, contact sales by emailing matt@sauce.app

Last updated